Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of our Masonic Lodge is a group of dedicated leaders who are committed to upholding the principles and values of Freemasonry. This committee is responsible for the overall management and direction of the lodge, ensuring that it operates in accordance with its bylaws and the regulations of the Grand Lodge.
The members of the Executive Committee are elected by the lodge’s membership and serve for a set term. They are responsible for overseeing the lodge’s finances, managing its assets, and organizing its activities and events. They also work to ensure that the lodge is fulfilling its mission of promoting brotherhood, charity, truth, and personal growth.
The Executive Committee members are chosen for their leadership qualities, their commitment to the principles of Freemasonry, and their ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others. They are dedicated to serving the needs of the lodge and its members, and to upholding the values that make Freemasonry a truly unique and meaningful organization.

Luis Carrion

Worshipful Master
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Phillip E. Mossey

Senior Warden
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William F. La Valley Jr.

Junior Warden
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Donald G. McLaurin Jr.


Jerry G. Laiblin
